Cast List

The following is the cast list of my life. These are the people I will be talking about most and the people that make every day amazing.

Ohio People

Mom/Mama J/Jennifer: She’s my mother, obviously. She’s good at cleaning, sending cards, and remembering literally everything. We like margaritas with less than 35 calories.

Dad/Rick: My father is a crazy man who loves his dogs and his wife. He’s good at making great jokes. And sometimes he helps me understand my mother. When that’s too difficult to do, we just get out a bottle of Southern Comfort.

Faith/Kippie/Kipster: My one and only sibling! She’s good at being tan and cute. She’s kinda mean sometimes, but that’s because I taught her well.

Casey: She’s a hipster, she’s a future journalist (best friend journalists?! :D), and she’s good at writing and being a hipster. She’s also great at making CDs. We like to get tattoos that make people jealous of how best-friendy we are.

Sara: This beautiful lady has been my best friend since my sophomore year in high school. She’s good at being pretty and eating with me all the time. She’s the one I go to when I have to cry, because she just cries along with me. And then we eat more food.

David: My American Eagle co-worker turned best friend. He’s good at insulting me and making sure I am always making him a new mix CD. He rarely makes sense, but never lets it show. He’s great at making me laugh at inappropriate times.

Amy/Auntie: She’s not only an amazingly cool aunt, she’s also the mother to the cutest and most amazing little cousins in the world. If she wasn’t badass enough before she gave birth to Zach and Zyler, she definitely is now! I miss my family nights every Wednesday!

(My family also has multiple pets; the dogs: Princess and Pepper, and the cats: Bubbles, Phoebe, Cali, Boston, and Lilo. They’re all insane and have very distinct personalities.)

New York People

Toni/Toni Bologna: We have been besties since we discovered our mutual love for downloading excessive amounts of music while looking up celebrity gossip. She’s a ginger.

Dan/71 DDD: Oh, Dan. We were roommates freshman year and slowly discovered the most unexpected friendship in the entire world. We’re so different, yet exactly the same. He likes Lady GaGa.

Ming/Ming-A-Ring: He was my suite mate last year and he is my roommate this year. He’s my first Asian friend and he likes to eat rice and play house music.

Susana/Sooz: Toni’s roommate and the newest member of our amazing NY family. She laughs at everything and she has a cool accent.


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